Thanh Ha (An Hoa, Hoa Ngai, Ung Liem) is located next to Highway 1A, there are 2,626 households with 9,699 people in 7 villages. Of the 2,626 households, 2,002 households accounted for 76.2% embroidery, with 5,740 employees participating, of which the main earner has 2,684 people, workers, and labor is hired 2,896 people to 160 people. These figures demonstrate that Thanh Ha commune of households and the number of employees do most provincial embroidery.
Hoa Ngai is an ancient village of the Red River Delta in Viet Nam wich is very well-know for its traditional embroidery. The embroidery by hand has been invented and developed in this village since 1885. By now, Hoa Ngai is the unique village in Nam Ha province where 100-year- know-how of traditional embroidery by hand is still reserved and brilliantly developed. Hoa Ngai village has currently more than 900 embroidering workers, many of them are craftsmans . Besides, thousands of people nearby are working hard to produce fine art embroidery works for this village. To date, An Hoa’s sophisticated embroidery products have been exported to many countries and win the sympathy of the ever keen customers in the world. Hoa Ngai is situated on the 1A Highway, about 60 km to the South of Hanoi Capital. It takes you only 1 hour to get there by car.
After the North was completely liberated, the village expanded in scale and attract thousands of workers, the embroidery is widely taught, producing constantly evolving. From 1975 to 1989 was prosperous period of the village: the diverse service needs of domestic consumption and export to the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. From 1990 until now the transition mechanisms, embroidery village of Thanh Ha has undergone its concerns find directions to survive and thrive in the traditional market conditions shrunk and foreign markets requires very strict about quality and time.
Tools and equipment of the embroidery village very simple. Labour mostly handmade. The whole village has more than 5,000 embroidery frame, 30 households have laundry facilities and printing, in addition to other instruments such as needles, crochet hooks, knives and scissors.
The stages of the embroidery are: preparation of materials, prototyping, phase and color printing, embroidery, laundry, tests and final packaging are consumed. The above paragraphs are currently done by manual labor.
Embroidery need dexterity and patience
To create a quality assurance model, only a few households have the technical, capital undertake this stage and do service for the whole village. Checking, packing and sale of products that belong to businesses (take on the sales of all products of the village). Workers perform a stage show: embroidery.
Embroidery has been characterized by low consumption of raw materials, but labor crystallized in the product so much great value products. However, the price of embroidery products depends on two factors: the material and the style and design of products which have been favored customers or not. Currently these are popular items are: bed sheets, pillows, tablecloths …
Embroidery is done in every household
To develop the village, Thanh Ha who invest in marketing like advertising, opening stores in all parts of the country, constantly improve product quality, innovative designs to meet the requirements of the market the fastidious. At Thanh Ha, now, most of the households have satellite for businesses. Thanh Liem district is manufacturing business for embroidery, wholesale and created jobs for thousands of workers, including with embroidery village of Thanh Ha.
Embroidery village of Thanh Ha no difficulty in raw material sources. Fabrics, embroidery there are available in the market. However, they were troubled capital. It is capital to buy raw materials and outstanding capital in the circulation process.
The embroidery factory has large scale introduction
These skilled workers on average earnings reached 3.000.000-4.000.000d/month, low-skilled workers reached 300.000-5.000.000d / month. Thus, a household with two main labor, two skilled workers, average and good, a month income from one year to reach 8.000.000-10.000.000d. Where is the source of income for small rural people!
Development of villages is potential labor exploitation, technical, capital and raw materials are available locally to create more commodity products serving consumer demand and exports. Moreover, development of craft villages also contributed to the restructuring of rural labor, surplus labor settlement, gradually reduce poverty, improve and enhance the lives of the majority of farmers. About Thanh Ha today, we are increasingly confident in the new artisan class is to stand and assert itself in the market mechanism.